Jeannette says that one day while she was watching visitors to Richardson Park she noticed how dog owners were allowing their animals to leave waste behind without cleaning up after the animals. All the while, human visitors were trying to exercise or otherwise enjoy the park but had to step over the small landmines. The idea came to her that the dogs needed a park of their own.
Jeannette researched the idea. She visited the dog park in Apple Valley to get ideas. She found donors for fencing, benches, and doggie cleanup bags.
She presented her idea to the city council and it was met with sincere interest. The park could be constructed on one acre behind Adelanto City Hall.
If the dog park comes to fruition, it will be located at the northeast corner of Richardson Park. It will have water fountains and doggie bags for cleanup. It will have double-gated entrances to prevent the sneakiest of dogs from escaping.
And there will be rules. All dogs must be spayed or neutered and in compliance with all local ordinances such as having a Rabies vaccination and license.
Unruly dogs or dog owners can be removed from the park. Those using the park will be doing so at their own risk as the city will not accept responsibility for the actions of owners and their pets.

Once the dog park comes to fruition, Jeannette has plans for an open house. She plans to serve hotdogs!
Jeannette is an animal lover so the dog park idea is a natural for her. The “joy” of her life is her dog Corky. She says was driving the streets of Adelanto one day when she saw what she thought was a paper bag in the street. It turned out to be a medium sized terrier who had been hurt. The owner could not be located, and once on the mend, Corky became a part of Jeannette’s family. The two look forward to a park to call their own.
If you need to get your pet’s vaccinations and license updated in time for the new dog park, a low-cost clinic will be held at City Hall on June 18 2016, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The first 100 Adelanto residents will also receive free microchips.
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