Drug War is Crumbling — Town Converts Prison into Cannabis Grow Facility

Drug War is Crumbling — Town Converts Prison into Cannabis Grow Facility

Naturally, there were some residents at the council meeting who didn’t like the idea of their town growing and selling medical cannabis. One dissenter called the cannabis cultivation efforts a “sales pitch” that was “too good to be true.” She may not realize the potential that lies in being a pioneer in the cannabis cultivation industry.
TFTP —  In our fight to end the drug war, there may be no greater symbolism than a prison being turned into a cannabis grow facility. That is likely to happen in Coalinga, where the city council voted 4-1 in favor of an ordinance to allow commercial cannabis cultivation at the empty Claremont Custody Center.
They also voted for ballot initiatives to let the citizens decide if the town should host cannabis dispensaries, and if all these operations should be taxed. Coalinga stands to join its fellow California town, Adelanto, in restoring freedom and medical advancement, as well as generating revenue.
As we reported in February, Adelanto, a former prison town, turned to cannabis cultivation to save its economy. David McPherson, who advises Adelanto and about 160 other cities on tapping into the cannabis market, was present at the Coalinga city council meeting to promote the plan.


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