BergerABAM for GEO Group proposes Location and Development Plan 15-03 to construct and operate a 1,000 bed detention/correctional facility on 22.16 acres of land and Conditional Use Permit 15-02 to operate the facility. The project site is located on the northeast corner of Holly Road and Koala Road. An Agreement is being prepared which includes payments to the City to mitigate impacts to the City by this project and other existing facilities owned by the GEO Group.
BergerABAM for GEO Group
Attn: William Lund
10525 Vista Sorrento Parkway, Suite 350 San Diego, CA 92121-2745
The project site is located on the northeast corner of Holly Road and
Koala Road, within the City of Adelanto, County of San Bernardino. The
project site is within Section 1, Township 5 North, Range 6 West, San
Bernardino Base and Meridian.
Desert View
Attn: William Lund
10525 Vista Sorrento Parkway, Suite 350 San Diego, CA 92121-2745

Desert View
Adelanto East
Adelanto West
New Facility
700 beds $1.00 per bed per day $255.500 yr.
650 beds $1.00 per bed per day $237,250 yr. 1,290 beds $1.00 per bed per day $470,850 yr.
1,000 beds $1,00 per bed per day $365,000 yr.
3,640 beds $1,328,600 yr.
700 beds $1.00 per bed per day $255.500 yr.
650 beds $1.00 per bed per day $237,250 yr. 1,290 beds $1.00 per bed per day $470,850 yr.
1,000 beds $1,00 per bed per day $365,000 yr.
3,640 beds $1,328,600 yr.
Additionally the applicant proposes to pay the actual costs for one Sheriff per 1,000 beds. Anything less
than 1,000 beds will be pro-rated.
Link to planning commission document:
Link to planning commission document:
The proposed project is for a 1,000 bed detention/correctional facility. The detention/correctional facility requires 182 spaces. The applicant is providing 182 spaces which include six accessible spaces.
A drainage study was performed by BergerABAM, March, 2014, which demonstrated that off-site flows will be handled by a drainage channel and on-site flows will be mitigated by detention basins. These detention basins are located throughout the property in the landscape areas. No further mitigation is required.
Two points of access have been provided, one from Cassia Road and the second from Holly Road. Both access points connect with Koala Road which connects with Rancho Road which connects with Highway 395.
The project site is Manufacturing/Industrial zoning and is located adjacent to Koala Road. This project will not impact surrounding properties as this portion of Koala Road is located within industrial park III. There are no residential properties in the immediate area.
The project qualifies as a class 1 Categorical exemption per Section 15162 as the project is covered by the prior adopted Environmental Impact Report for Industrial Park III. Additional indirect impacts to City resources and infrastructure will be mitigated through a development agreement.
The proposed project is for a 1,000 bed detention/correctional facility. The detention/correctional facility requires 182 spaces. The applicant is providing 182 spaces which include six accessible spaces.
A drainage study was performed by BergerABAM, March, 2014, which demonstrated that off-site flows will be handled by a drainage channel and on-site flows will be mitigated by detention basins. These detention basins are located throughout the property in the landscape areas. No further mitigation is required.
Two points of access have been provided, one from Cassia Road and the second from Holly Road. Both access points connect with Koala Road which connects with Rancho Road which connects with Highway 395.
The project site is Manufacturing/Industrial zoning and is located adjacent to Koala Road. This project will not impact surrounding properties as this portion of Koala Road is located within industrial park III. There are no residential properties in the immediate area.
The project qualifies as a class 1 Categorical exemption per Section 15162 as the project is covered by the prior adopted Environmental Impact Report for Industrial Park III. Additional indirect impacts to City resources and infrastructure will be mitigated through a development agreement.
Water Quality
Low Impact Development (LID) principles to control storm water and prevent pollutants from entering and degrading surface or ground waters are included in the Conditions of Approval.
Air Quality
The Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District submitted comments and recommendations in response to the Project Submittal that was circulated for this project which are incorporated in our conditions of Approval.
Low Impact Development (LID) principles to control storm water and prevent pollutants from entering and degrading surface or ground waters are included in the Conditions of Approval.
Air Quality
The Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District submitted comments and recommendations in response to the Project Submittal that was circulated for this project which are incorporated in our conditions of Approval.
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